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22 mars 2013 5 22 /03 /mars /2013 12:41

A long time ago, I had this lovely meal at a restaurant, involving scallops and Jerusalem artichoke bits. I can't remember much of it, except that it was really delicious. So, with that in mind, I tried to improvise something the other day. It is not much of a recipe, really, since I basically cooked the artichokes into a puree, fried the cut-up carrots with olive oil in a pan and threw everything together in a plate:   




It just happened to fall together quite nicely :-)


For two servings of a small dish (as in the photo), I used:

- 1/2 lb jerusalem artichokes

- 2 carrots

- 2 scallops


For an entree version of the same, I would serve rice and extra scallops on the side (about 5 additional scallops per person).


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21 mars 2013 4 21 /03 /mars /2013 10:49

We have been back for over 6 months now, and yet I still feel completely overwhelmed by... life itself, it seems. At this point, it is hard to pinpoint the problem: is it adapting to a different country, a different position at work, being a parent? Was that too many changes at once?


I am getting nervous as all the important conference deadlines in my field for this year are coming and going and I still don't have anything to submit on my current research - over the past few months, I have been submitting 7 single PI or collaborative grants, which seems like a lot but is apparently only the obvious thing to do, I have experienced some issues with getting work material (also a classic new independant investigator obstacle, I know...) and got a taste of administrative and student-related adventures. Technically, things are starting to fall into place and I can start working properly while waiting for the grant results and new deadlines, *but* it seems there is so much to do and so little time to get it done! In the end, I guess that's the bottom line: I am just not putting in the time anymore. Nor could I do it if I wanted to. Between family duties and local logistics, I am basically in the office between 8:30 am and 5pm and I am so toast in the evening (with the prospect of getting up at 6:30 am!) and having my hands full during the week-end that I am down to the proverbial 40-hour week that my postdoc self would qualify as a walk in the park. While everybody else is going full steam ahead...


So, I have to come to terms with the fact that in the grand scheme of life it is not a big deal to skip a couple of conference deadlines, and that "every body else" is not necessarily without qualms. This post in partcular resonated with me, as well as this other post on work-life balance and on a less personnal level, this post about the emerging requirements for reseachers. In fact, I even recently saw a workshop at a major conference proposing a discussion of the challenges new independant investigators face: moving on from working on your own research project to in addition get funded, hire students and other collaborators, set up a lab, and so on.

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13 mars 2013 3 13 /03 /mars /2013 20:50

I have been looking for this mini-cheesecake recipe all over the place, until I finally realized I had it in the draft section of the blog, waiting for a long overdue post to be written. What I like about this recipe is the use of vanilla extract. From my experience, I make about 7 full mini-cheesecakes with it.


In the mean time, I had to use this other recipe, which is also good (and similar). It makes smaller cakes, since with the recommended amounts you can only fill the cups about halfway:




I initially thought they were annoyingly tiny, but in the end, it makes for a small dessert that goes well with a big meal, and can also be used as the centerpiece for a café  gourmand


I serve the cheesecakes with a fruit sauce made of 1/2 lb fresh fruits (frozen can also be used), 1/2 cup sugar and the juice of 1/2 a lemon, blended together. For added fun, I tried to top that with a pyramid of fresh fruits: 




To be perfectly honest, it looks nice, but it is hard to make the fruits hold steady for long enough to take the picture!




Here are the (French) ingredients I used for my last batch of 12 mini-cheesecakes:


(for crust)

- 1 cup speculoos biscuits, crushed
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 40 grams butter, melted


Use a glass to pack at the bottom of the cup.


(for filling)

- 2 (150 g.) packages of Philadelphia cream cheese, softened

- 1 petit suisse

- 2 large eggs
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup sugar



Bake 15 minutes at T6 or 180 C 






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12 mars 2013 2 12 /03 /mars /2013 16:06

I was at the park with my son this week-end, guiding him with slide etiquette and safety (wait for your turn, don't stand at the bottom of the slide where you can get knocked off your feet by kids coming down...) when someone said: "Do I hear an American voice?" - That was a lady from North Carolina, talking to me. Me. The American voice. Talk about being knocked off your feet! 


This is especially significant for me on several levels.

a/ I spent my first few years in DC trying really hard to avoid speaking with an Amerian accent. I listened to Clare FM on a daily basis and checked myself every time I opened my mouth. Of course, you can only keep that up for so long, so in the end I just gave in and accepted the fact that if I was going to live in DC, at some point I would have to walk the walk and talk the talk.

b/ in spite of all that, being a non-native speaker, there is no getting entirely rid of your foreign accent. Other non-native speakers may not catch it, but natives usually can tell you're not from here. So, being mistaken for a native is flattering in a way - some kind of recognition that you've achieved true blending, you've succeeded to adapt and fit in! I am especially sensitive about that now that we're back because I want my son - who is an American citizen - to be in touch with American culture, language and values. I am nervous that even after seven years I am still too foreign to pass enough of that on to him. Now, I wonder whether this other Mom is puzzled over the fact that after 10 years in France, a French woman sounded American to her.


Anyway, that was an interesting encounter with another multicultural Mom.


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24 février 2013 7 24 /02 /février /2013 10:30



Winter cold has been motivating me to try a bunch of soup recipes, so I've been rediscovering the copy of Soup of the day that waited these six+ years in my grandmother's attic for someone to come around and use it again.

One of my favorite recipes is a variant of the hot tomato soup, which is so much better served cold as a tangy Gaspacho:



- 2 lb preserved tomatoes

- 1 onion

- 2 garlic cloves

- 1 bay leave

- 3 ts chopped fresh ginger

- 1 cup water

- 1 Tbs creme fraiche





- Saute minced onion and garlic in olive oil in a saucepan for about 5 minutes

- add ginger and tomatoes

- add salt, pepper and bay leave

- bring to a boil, reduce heat and continue cooking for 15-20 minutes

- take bay leave out

- add creme fraiche and mix well 

- serve chilled with a slice of lime or chopped chives  



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26 octobre 2012 5 26 /10 /octobre /2012 09:52

I am not claiming that everyday life in the US is necessarily easier, compared to France. However, life in a familiar environment, wherever that is, is definitely easier.

I am slowly re-adjusting to France, and getting used to the way things are here. However, right now, I am not exactly familiar with my environment. As a result, the simplest things become a challenge. 

Shopping for a pasta dinner should be a five minute stop at Leclerc. Alas! everything is different here. The brands, the packaging, the size of things, the way they're organized in the store... Tomato sauce does not come in a can! Instead, you have to track tiny cardboard boxes of 200 ml. that ressemble juice containers for children, so you'll need about two to a 15 oz. can. Parmesan does not come shevelled! Instead you'll need to track small opaque bags of powdered cheese (again, at least two are needed to match a 2 cup bag). All this converting is exhausting. I should know, it was the same story when I first set foot in a Safeway but that was so long ago!

Shopping bags in hand, going home should be easy. But the smallest wrong turn at the wrong time of day easily adds 45 minutes to a 3-minute commute. No kidding. This daily travel time russian roulette is exhausting. And nothing prepared me to that, not even rainy days on Old Georgetown road.

The cherry on top of the cringe cake is wanting to bake muffins - but the muffin pan is in the shipment. Wanting to watch a good old episode of Gilmore Girls for comfort after an exhausting day - but the DVDs are in the shipment. Wanting to put some bigger socks on my son's growing feet - but the larger baby clothes are in the shipment. Wanting to use our winter comforter because it sometimes gets cold at night - but our linens are in the shipment. You get the drift. Everything we thought we could do without for 6 to 8 weeks is in a shipment that has been somewhere between Maryland and France for a solid 9 weeks. There is no getting a firm answer as to when we'll finally see our stuff again. "Likely next week, or the week after" has been heard so many times that it will eventually come true. And when it does, perhaps we'll be back on the path of day-to-day routine being easier again.

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13 septembre 2012 4 13 /09 /septembre /2012 20:52

It's been two weeks. I guess the shock is slightly wearing off, as we get re-aquainted to life in our beloved homeland.

As always, the blows come unexpected. I thought it might be hard to be back in a French speaking environment - but in the end, I have enough English speakers in my life, including my son, to make this a non-issue, at least for the time being. I dreaded visits to the various administrative offices, but we waited in line a record 10 minutes at la CAF. In the end, the greatest shock comes from space and how people move around occupying it. I do not mean the obvious reduction in living quarters size, which was fully expected. (and to be honest we were incredibly lucky to be able to rent a wonderful apartment a sheer 30% smaller than our place in MD with quite the view...)

However,I did not realize how spoiled we have been, driving our dear Camry around Maryland roads. Because here, the roads (or rather, lanes!) are so narrow that my learner fears of bumping into opposing traffic are vividly coming back. Parking spaces are so tiny that getting into one unscathed feels like a victory. And have I mentioned the bloody flower beds and other variation of concrete blocks startegically positioned on the already narrow car lanes to make drivers think twice about the necessity of taking the car out of the garage today? To add to the challenge of navigating in tiny Legoland, the drivers also have to be reckoned with. Unlike the average US  law-abiding citizen, the French driver seems to consider driving rules and regulations as mere suggestions. So you'd better keepon your toes lest one of them should spring on you unexpectedly from the right, left or center!

Funnily enough the same seems to apply to supermarket aisles. I guess all is fair in war and shopping. Having two carts crossing each other in a tiny Monoprix aisle is hard to achieve to begin with, but people are so unbothered with common courtesy that they seem ready to just keel you over to reach for their camembert rather than politely ask you to move over -and loose precious seconds talking to you. Hoping for a break from all this compactness I decided to pay a visit to the local HyperLeclerc, courtessy of our newly updated GPS. Alas, I only ended up hyperventillating and forgetting what I came for in the giant aisles of Safeway, CVS and Target all rolled into one. 


But as everyone keeps saying lightly, I'll get used to it.

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1 septembre 2012 6 01 /09 /septembre /2012 00:01

If you're moving overseas - or any place where storing left-over gear in Grandma's attic is not an option, really, you may want to consider the following: 

1. Whatever you think you're going to pack, up that by 50% and that is likely still a low estimation of what you will end up packing

2. Reconsider saving best for last. Even if it seems to make sense to hold off packing the items you use the most on an every day basis, and/or the items you like the most until the end so that you can enjoy them longer before the move, don't. Just pack it all, the sooner the better. Because otherwise you will end up with all these prized items that need to be packed at the 11th hour when suitcases are already bursting and over the airline-approved weight limit. So chances are, around 4 am, some will get packed poorly and suffer during the trip, and some won't even make the trip because you're just too weary of shifting stuff around for the gazillionth time. 

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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 09:27

We made it!France-3388_small.jpg




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29 juillet 2012 7 29 /07 /juillet /2012 17:04

Contre toute attente, on trouve des endroits formidables au fin fond de la zone industrielle de Rockville, loin des enormes centres commerciaux qui donnent aux alentours immediats de Rockville Pike un semblant d'animation. Ce week-end, nous en avons experimente deux:

-          la fameuse boulangerie Saint Michel dont tous les francais du coin parlent depuis des annees – mais je n’avais pas pris le temps d’y aller jusqu’a present. Il faut dire que sans GPS et indications précises, ce serait difficile a trouver. Mais ca vaut le coup de tenter le jeu de piste! C’est bien meilleur que chez Paul, et moins cher en plus.  Commande massive de mini-viennoiseries prevues pour mon pot de depart.

-          Le take-out indien TAJ - trouve au hazard sur yelp, on ne regrette pas d’avoir fait confiance aux commentaires elogieux. De fait, le menu est varie, les plats sont tres bons, pour un prix fort raisonnable: moins de $25 a deux pour une entrée, deux plats, un dessert et des lassis a la mangue. C’etait meme suffisament copieux pour faire un repas supplementaire avec les restes. On y retournera surement, car le temps consacre a cuisine va bien diminuer dans les prochaines semaines!   

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